If your order is placed in the previous 24 hours, our courier deliveries go out between 8am and 2pm daily.
It is always advisable to place specific flower requirements as early as you can to avoid disappointment as
many flowers are seasonal. We recommend 48 hours if possible. We will always offer you an alternative if
your flowers are not in season.
All the following are within 3km from the store
- St John of God Subiaco
- King Edward Maternity
- Sir Charles Gairdner
- PrincessĀ Margaret Children’s hospital
- Subiaco Private
- Perth Clinic
- Hollywood private
We are only 3 km from the Perth CBD.
Funeral flowers should be ordered the day before, most Subiaco funeral homes are very close to Cottage garden.
We will contact you on your e mail or SMSĀ on your mobile phone to offer another suggestion for your special
The flowers will be left in a secure place in the shade so your flowers look magic for the recipient. If it
is a unit we do require a phone number for the recipient.
A second delivery charge will apply to redeliver your flowers.